It is shockingly simple to have a trip go from exciting to stressful. With so many aspects to grapple with, clashing plans to reconcile, and the threat of plans falling through looming over your head, you can easily get in your own head and psyche yourself out over your trip. Kick those nasty thoughts by following some of our helpful tips on keeping yourself entertained on the bus!
Invite your buddy along with you.
You probably know this tip already, but travel is so much more fun when you have someone to spend your time with. I have traveled solo before, and though it offers a great opportunity to think and experience some growth, things can get really lonesome. I ended up making some lifelong friends on that trip mostly out of necessity, but the first leg of my trip wouldn’t have been so boring if I had some other people with me from the get-go. Human beings are social creatures. Make sure you aren’t torturing yourself through isolation. Grab a friend, convince them to join your plans, and embark on a trip the two of you will remember for a lifetime.
Audiobooks pass the time in a sophisticated way.
Most people like to resolve to read more books at the beginning of a new year. It is a resolution that sounds nice but not one that typically gets carried out. Life gets in the way, and our own shortened attention spans make it harder and harder to keep yourself engaged while reading. Luckily, audiobooks bypass that. Just put your headphones on and listen to a trained actor bring a story to life while you continue to absorb everything that you would have if you had read the thing. Check out a service like Audible for audiobooks; you can get yourself some free ones off the bat, and usually, the pricing is very affordable.
Creativity reigns.
Sometimes, forced boredom breeds the greatest creativity possible. You have to essentially create your own fun in order to stay engaged. A pen and paper can be your greatest companions on those long trips, so make sure to pack up a new notebook before you embark on your trip and let your mind run wild. Who knows? You might just create a story worth sharing to the rest of the world, all because you were a bit bored on the bus ride. Of course, it is difficult to be bored on the bus nowadays with free WiFi and movies available, but it is still worth just writing.
I think bus trips tend to be pretty amazing no matter what. However, I guarantee that if you follow my advice, there is no way that your trip will be boring. In the meantime, we want to hear from you. What is your preferred way to spend time on the bus? We are always open to hearing new ideas, so please let us know and you may see your ideas in a future blog post!