The holidays are firmly upon us. Break out the cookies, the chestnuts (does anyone really do this?), and the eggnog! Celebrate love and happiness and your ability to survive yet another year in an increasingly hostile world. You did it! Now it’s time to have a blowout like you deserve. But how are you to have the best possible holiday exactly?
Spoiler: usually, the best gift is the one you give yourself.
Yes, you should be doing something special this holiday. Whether that means going back to the most special people in your life or going someplace special and unique, travel is inevitably a part of these plans. Even if it’s not you doing the traveling, you know someone that will be needing to get from Point A to Point B in these next couple of weeks. As the employee of a travel company, I know a thing or two about what you should be doing to thrive in travel. So, here we go: Carter’s tips to tantalizing travel!

1. Get there early.
Most bus companies don’t have assigned seating. More often than not, you’re going to be seated on a first-come, first-served basis. If you want to choose your seats, get there early. At the very least, it’ll ensure you won’t have to split up those you are traveling with. Better to sit by your brother than the stranger that wants to talk to you about their job the whole way, right?

2. Bring snacks.
Maybe it’s because I have poor eating habits, but I get very hungry for little reason at random times during the day, especially during inconvenient circumstances. Buses don’t stop very often as to maximize efficiency and speed. Do not count on your bus stopping to sate your hunger. Bring snacks and your entire trip will somehow become so much better. More broadly, bring anything small that will improve your mood, be it water, games, books, or something else entertaining.

3. Earphones are your friend.
Buses are one of my favorite ways to travel simply because of how much I can catch up on. I can listen to audiobooks of novels I haven’t had the chance to read yet, watch movies I haven’t seen, or simply let my eyelids fall and go to sleep. It is an incredibly productive time and earphones help facilitate all of this. Sometimes, you simply need to drown out some of the noise from the rest of the bus. Bring them, you won’t regret it.

4. Wear layers.
You can never predict the temperature onboard. Some drivers keep things toasty, others like it cool. There is simply no way to predict what the bus driver prefers. I’m telling you, this is maybe the most important tip I can give you: WEAR LAYERS. There is nothing worse than being uncomfortable for hours on end. Bring a sweater, wear a short-sleeved shirt underneath and maybe an overshirt, and remove or add layers accordingly.
There are a multitude of other tips I can give you, but those shall have to be saved for another time. What I can tell you, though, is that iLIKEBUS is making holiday travel a million times less stressful this year by providing easy booking with the lowest prices across multiple different bus lines. If anything is confusing, the customer service call center is ALWAYS available to help you out, and I think that’s pretty cool. If you’re planning a bus trip, consider iLIKEBUS, and I bet that by the end of the process, you’ll be thinking, “Wow. I LOVE iLIKEBUS!” Kind of a mouthful, but accurate, nonetheless.
About the Author
Carter Nordike is the social media marketing specialist of iLIKEBUS. He is the veteran of multiple bus trips and feels like you really should listen to him here. Come on, he needs this. He doesn’t have much else going on. Oh, also he thinks signing up for the iLIKEBUS rewards program is a pretty cool idea. Just a thought.